About Me

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I'm a 28 year old single working mother just trying to do my best to raise a beautiful, independent daughter while working 2 jobs and going to school for my Bachelor's in Public Relations. My life is far from easy, but I enjoy every minute of it! I'm an individual in every sense of the word, and I fully embrace it with no apologies! I've made a lot of wrong turns in my life, but I feel confident that my compass is now pointing me in the right direction!

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Yummy in my Tummy!

As some may know I've been trying really hard to eat better, and by better I don't just mean to loose weight; by better I mean organically, naturally, locally (this last one is a little harder to do). Anywho...unfortunately the whole organic, naturally, local movement has not completely caught on so it makes it even more difficult. Well last summer my BFF from when I was in the Army decided to move from Tacoma, WA to New Orleans and on her way down she made a pit stop here in Memphis. While she was here she introduced me to my healthiest addiction ever.... VEGGIE CHIPS!!! They are dehydrated veggies such as sweet potatoes, squash, zucchini, and green beans with just a little spice added and they are MUY BIEN! Way better for you than potato chips, but satisfy that same crunchy craving! She purchased hers from a locally owned grocery store in Tacoma that makes them right there in the store out of locally grown produce!!! Well, I've searched Memphis high and low for at least a pre-packaged version to no avail! Even Whole Foods didn't have any! Well I found them at an online store called ohnuts.com and ordered 2 lbs! I'm telling you ladies, if you have small children and are trying to get them to eat veggies...these are perfect for you! They also have all kinds of nuts, dried fruits, trail mixes, and other goodies! Go to their website and check them out!!!!

Gifts, candy & chocolate from Oh! Nuts